Waterfowl Weekend


Presqu'ile's Waterfowl Weekend has been an annual tradition since 1977.  But the waterfowl that are the stars of the event have been coming through Presqu'ile for much longer than that.

Presqu'ile Bay is a major stopping area for waterfowl as they make their way north in the spring. Spring for waterfowl starts as soon as the ice starts leaving the bay. The ducks congregate along the retreating ice edge, diving under the ice to find areas of newly exposed food. Numbers can reach 20,000 birds on some days and twenty different species seen on one day is not an unusual occurrence.

This congregation of waterfowl is a world-class wildlife spectacle and Waterfowl Weekend is about introducing people to this spectacle.

Waterfowl Weekend takes place in March every year. There will be volunteers situated at key areas to help visitors find and identify up to 25 species of ducks, geese and swans that annually use the Presqu’ile Bay to rest and feed.  A fundraising BBQ takes place each day with burgers, hot dogs and drinks for sale.

See our Calendar of Events for this year's dates.

Contact Presqu'ile's Chief Park Naturalist at 613 475 4324ext-225 for more information or if you are interested in volunteering.