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Presqu’ile Bird Report for 28 Feb – 5 Mar 2020

Signs of spring are obvious with a big influx of waterfowl, more gulls and a smattering of the early migrant land birds.  The weather predicted for this Sunday will likely produce the first major wave of migrants.

CACKLING GOOSE – Three calling birds in a Canada flock flew over the gate on 5 Mar.

WOOD DUCK – Two on 2 Mar was the first of spring.

AMERICAN WIGEON – One on 4 Mar was the first of spring.

NORTHERN PINTAIL – One on 4 Mar was the first of spring.

RING-NECKED DUCK – 12 were noted on 4 Mar among the swelling number of diving ducks.

LESSER SCAUP – Three with GREATER SCAUP on 4 Mar were among the first migrants.

WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – small numbers present throughout the week, mostly between Salt Pt. and the Lighthouse.

HOODED MERGANSER – with the arrival of one on 1 Mar, all three mergansers are now present.

TURKEY VULTURE – the first was seen flying east over the north shore on 4 Mar.

BALD EAGLE – several birds were present around Presqu’ile Bay throughout the week.

RED-TAILED HAWK – one seen on 29 Feb was the only report.

LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL – an adult was seen near Salt Pt. on 1 Mar.

GLAUCOUS GULL – An immature was spotted on 1 Mar with other gulls.

SNOWY OWL – one was seen on the Salt Pt. light on 29 Feb.

HORNED LARK – two were heard passing overhead on 4 Mar.

SONG SPARROW – the overwintering bird at the Birdhouse Nature Store was heard singing (poorly) on 5 Mar.

NORTHERN CARDINAL – birds are singing everywhere now but a day count of 21 by one observer on 2 Mar was impressive.

RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD – hundreds are now back but many more will likely flood in this weekend with the expected warm weather.

COMMON GRACKLE – a few have been present all week but they are not yet common.