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Birding Report

Despite the recent stifling weather at Presqu'ile Provincial Park, a number of birders have begun to re-appear in hopes of intercepting early fall migrants. Their success has been limited but not totally without results.

The two TRUMPETER SWANS that have been around for much of the summer are easy to spot as they lounge on the beach or at Owen Point. A female WOOD DUCK, the first this summer, was in the woodpile marsh yesterday. On August 17, A HOODED MERGANSER was at Owen Point, where COMMON MERGANSERS are seen on most days. Among the most reliable birds this week are GREAT EGRETS, BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS, and OSPREYS. NORTHERN HARRIER, COOPER'S HAWK, and MERLIN have all been seen this week.

After an almost total dearth of shorebirds for a week or so, a few new arrivals came in overnight on August 18. Among them were three RUDDY TURNSTONES. A PECTORAL SANDPIPER was seen on August 16. According to the pattern from previous years, BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS should be
appearing within the next ten days. A BARRED OWL was heard at 83 Bayshore Road.

Single RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS have put in several appearances lately at 83 Bayshore Road. Having already seen both WILLOW and LEAST FLYCATCHERS at Owen Point earlier in the day, two birders set out on a mission to find an OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER on August 16. Within less
than an hour they were successful in locating one at the calf pasture and watched it for half an hour. Two BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHERS were seen regularly at 83 Bayshore Road. A good variety of warblers has been present in the Park this week, including TENNESSEE, CAPE MAY (2 on
August 20), BAY-BREASTED, and CANADA WARBLERS, all at 83 Bayshore Road. A SCARLET TANAGER and an ORCHARD ORIOLE were at Owen Point on August 16. PURPLE FINCHES have been seen repeatedly at 83 Bayshore Road.

To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate. Access to the offshore islands is restricted at this time of year to prevent disturbance to the colonial nesting birds there.

Questions and comments about bird sightings at Presqu'ile may be directed to: