OVERVIEW: There was almost no coverage this week so the report is very skimpy. We should have a much better picture after Dec 20 when the Presqu’ile Christmas Count happens. The bitter cold has frozen the marsh completely.
RUFFED GROUSE – Unusual was a group of 5 walking together on 14 Dec.
WINTER WREN – 1 was near the Lighthouse on 11 Dec.
AMERICAN ROBIN – a flock of 23 on 12 Dec was the largest number.
CEDAR WAXWING – 8 were seen on 12 Dec; this species has been unusually scarce.
WHITE-THROATED SPARROW – Up to 4 were visiting one feeder on 16 Dec.
RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD – 4 were still coming to feeders on 16 Dec.
COMMON GRACKLE – 1 was with the Red-wings on 16 Dec.
AMERICAN GOLDFINCH – High count this week was 33 on 16 Dec.
Directions: Presqu’ile Provincial Park is located south of Brighton on the north shore of Lake Ontario. It is well signed from either Hwy. 401 or Cty. Rd. 2.
Birders should be aware that duck hunting is permitted in the Park on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and access restrictions are in place on hunting days. This means that the islands, marsh, and Calf Pasture Point are off limits. Owen Pt. and the High Bluff Campground are also now closed until late December. Closed areas are signed.