AGM 2018 Invitation

Bev Cook, Chair,
on behalf ofthe Board of The Friends of Presqu’ile Park,
invites you to the
Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 2, 2018
At Stonehedge, Lighthouse Lane,
Presqu’ile Provincial Park
Coffee at 10:00 am • AGM starts at 10:30 am
and will be followed by lunch
Please send your RSVP to Bev Cook, by Friday, May18.
Telephone 613 475 1688 or
Park admission is free- simply advise gate staff that you are attending the AGM.
Volunteers will be on hand to register attendees and to take membership dues.
Your attendance and participation are very important.
You will have the opportunity to: receive and review the 2017 financial statement; review and vote to elect Directors; vote to appoint accountants and hear about our 2017 achievements and plans for the coming season.
It is our 30th Anniversary; there will be special presentations and guests on hand to help us celebrate.