Hello, my name is Logan. I am 12 years old. I would like to tell you about my experiences at the Kids ‘n Nature summer camps in Presqu'ile. I have been going to these summer camps for the past 4 years, the first 3 as a participant, and the last as a volunteer camp leader. The leaders at the camp are capable, friendly, and considerate and by the end of the week I would consider them someone I could look up to. There are also a lot of fun campers. After spending time together on the bus ride into the park singing camp songs and doing ice breaker games at the park, you get to know each other well. During a typical week when I was at the Kids ‘n Nature summer camp, there were many fun activities to take part in. I went to the Nature Centre, the lighthouse, and took a walk through the park. Some days we went swimming at the beach, but if you chose to you could have made beaded animals instead. There was also day we went to the marsh and the boardwalk. There are lots of games to play as well. I played Huckle-Buckle, Camouflage, Soccer, and Octopus tag along with many others. If you don't know these games don't worry they will teach them to you. These are just a few of the reasons I like going to the Kids ‘n Nature summer camps. Thanks for reading,
Note: The Friends will not be offering Kids ‘n Nature camp this summer. We will still be offering our spring school group programs and other educational outreach programming in the summer aimed at a wider age range.