Life Membership Award

Life Memberships are granted to those individuals who have demonstrated significant, sustained and high-quality volunteer service over a period of years.  Life Members reflect a dedication to the values of the Friends.

Any member may nominate another for a Life Membership by submission to the Board of Directors by January 1st each year.  Full details on the requirements for nominations can be found in the Policies and Procedures section of the website (Policy #019). 

If you wish to nominate one or more members, please fill out the online nomination form here or download a printable nomination form here.

Life Members are exempt from membership fees. 


Life Members List


Peter & Jenny Alker Don Davis  Nick & Bev Quickert
Harold (*d)  & Anne Atkins Joanne Dewey Anna Rittwage
Nels Banting Sid Hadlington (*d) Stephen & Nancy Sinclair 
Bob (*d) & Jean (*d) Beach Fred & Lois (*d) Helleiner  Sheila Soden
John & Sharon Blaney Jane (Law) Irvine Glenn & Gerry Spence
Don & Joyce Boucher Janette Johnston (*d) Nancy & Brian (*d) Sutton
Isabelle Brose  Craig & Ruth Kerr  Steve Turl 
Tone Careless Tawni Lange (*d) Ron Waddling 
Liz  & Earle (*d) Chatten Janine McClintock Audrey E. Wilson 
John & Eileen Cockburn   Don and Fran Morrison May (*d) & Bill Wilson
Bev Cook Don & Bonnie Ogden  
  Ernie & Carolyn Payette   

(*d) denotes deceased    

Volunteer of the Year Award

The John Cole Award, named in honour of our first Board Chair, is given annually to the Volunteer of the Year.  The Board of Directors of the Friends has the difficult task of selecting just one Volunteer of the year from the many deserving candidates.  Our Volunteer of the Year is to be a shining example of the values of our organization and his or her service to the Friends lasts for more than just this year, of course.

John Cole Award Winners

2024 Larry Paradis
2021 Beverlie Cook
2020 John Warner
2019 Linda Collins
2018 Joyce Boucher
2017 Janine McClintock
2016 Joan Selwood
2015 May Davies
2014 Jobes Woods Trail Builders
2013 Nancy Sutton
2012 Jenny Alker
2011 Jack & Lesley Scott
2010 Ernie Payette
2009 David Houghton
2008 Peter Alker
2000 Don Davis
1999 Loretta Banting & the Christmas at Presqu'ile Committee
1998 Bill & May Wilson

We are missing some records of prior award winners and would really like to recognize everyone.  Please let us know at Contact Us if you have additional information on previous winners.

Student Bursary Awards

In 2017 The Friends of Presqu’ile Park launched an annual bursary program to recognize the efforts of the fine young people who work as summer student employees in Presqu’ile Park.  Two different types of bursaries are awarded. 

The J. Beverlie Cook Career Bursary is awarded to someone following a course of study at the post-secondary level that might lead to a career in the Parks system. This award is named after Bev Cook, a dedicated Friends volunteer, who created the bursary program during her time as Chair of the Friends.

Student Bursaries are awarded to deserving student park staff.  Students could be nominated by the public, their peers or a supervisor for demonstrating skills and actions to improve the park experience. 

Nomination and application forms are available here: Student Bursary Nomination and Application.

Read about past winners below.  Click on the year to read the news story and see photos.

2024 Winners

Career Bursary:  Jack Anstead

Student Bursary:  Ava Trefiak

2023 Winners

Career Bursary:  Eryn Barton

Student Bursary:  Ida Mackey

2022 Winners

Career Bursary:  Clarissa Duthie

Student Bursary:  Emma Sabine-Craig

2021 Winners

Career Bursary:  Jaeden Avery

Student Bursaries:  Ethan Reynolds, Noah Evans, Sarah Shannon, Sydney Stewart, Gregory Vaskovsky

2019 Winners

Career Bursary:  Colin Bauer

Student Bursaries:  Lauren Draaistra, Hope Brinkman, Ryan Renaud, Parys Carr

2018 Winners

Career Bursary:  Rachel Siblock

Student Bursaries:  Robert Ormston, Alana Bellamy, Christie Mutton, Eli Shannon.

2017 Winners

Career Bursary:  Aly Morris

Student Bursaries:  Kristen Wierda, Mara VanMeer, Sinead Gibson, Quinley Nichols