How to Donate to the Friends

We are a 100% volunteer organization, so that means all donations we receive are used to enhance the educational and environmental programs in Presqu'ile Provincial Park.  Donations may be allocated to one of the three following funds (click on the links for more information about the funds):

1) General Fund (any project, including education)

2) 25th Anniversary Environmental Fund (wildlife research, invasive species removal, habitat preservation)

3) Memorial Tree Planting (*you must complete the information form here first: Memorial Tree Purchase)

Please indicate if you wish to make your donation in honour of or in memory of an individual.
Charitable registration number 12435 1511 RR0001

Mail-in Payment by Cheque

Click here for a printable Membership and/or Donation Form and return it with a cheque to The Friends of Presqu'ile Park. If you would also like to join The Friends the current fee is already entered. Should you wish just to donate at this time,  cross out the membership fee.  The Friends will issue a tax receipt for donations of $10 or more.
Click here for a printable Memorial Tree Planting Donation Form and return it with a cheque to The Friends of Presquile Park.  The Friends will issue a tax receipt.  


Online Payment

If you would like to contribute to the success of our projects by making a direct donation the easiest way is to use 'Canada Helps', a not-for-profit organization which does all of the administration for us when you donate on line. They will send you a tax receipt.  To donate online, fill out the form below. 
*Please remember to chose one of the funds from the drop down menu (click on the arrow to view all the funds.)
**If you donate to the Memorial Tree Fund, you must fill out our donation form first:  Memorial Tree Donation Form