Volunteer with the Friends

We Welcome Volunteers...You Should Be One!

Volunteers are the key to The Friends of Presqu'ile Park.  Our association is 100% run by volunteers and, as such, we rely on our members and friends to help with projects, committees, and fund-raising events. Did you know, you don't need to be a member to volunteer with us!

Much of what you see in Presqu'ile has been funded or built by the Friends.  According to Ontario Parks, since the Friends were formed in 1988, we have contributed over $5 million into the Park.  This is a remarkable achievement, made possible by each and every one of our volunteers.

Guess what? We can always use more help. How great would it feel to build a trail that thousands of visitors will enjoy every year?  Or work a special event that raises funds for the education and environment programs we run? There are so many ways you can help as a volunteer – from getting down and dirty in the park to attending team meetings. And we appreciate every hour.

Volunteer Opportunities

Current Volunteer Needs

Click on the positions listed below for a description of duties and time commitment.  You can direct specific questions to our volunteer coordinator by clicking here.  You indicate your interest by filling out the volunteer form below.

Volunteers can participate in opportunities such as:

  • Interpreting in the Nature Centre or Lighthouse Interpretive Centre
  • Greeting visitors at special event weekends in the park
  • Fundraising activities
  • Community events
  • Building boardwalks or picnic tables
  • Staffing the Lighthouse Gift Shop
  • Summer barbecues
  • Joining a committee

Ready to Sign Up to Volunteer?

Choose an option:

1)  Fill out our online form below

2)  Download a paper copy of the volunteer application.  Please print the form, fill it in, and mail it to us.

Our Volunteer Committee works hard to find just the right volunteer for each task at our many events.  They will contact those who are willing to volunteer and will fit them into the roles that suit.

If you want more information about volunteering with The Friends of Presqu'ile Park, please contact us.




Friends of Presqu'ile Volunteer Signup Form

Please complete the form below to select what areas in which you wish to volunteer.

If you are presently a volunteer, please use this form to update your volunteer preferences and/or contact information.

NOTE:  Enter your phone number in the following format:  (121) 122-1212


Volunteer Areas of Interest: please indicate which roles are of interest to you by checking yes

Occasional Commitment
Nature Centre Interpreter: greet visitors, and answer questions about the park and nature displays. Time commitment: 3 hour shift on a Wednesday in July and August OR during special event weekends.
Lighthouse Interpretive Centre Interpreter: greet visitors, and answer questions about the park and history displays. Time commitment: 3 hour shift on a Wednesday in July and August OR during special event weekends.
Tree Planting: plant seedlings in the park. Time commitment: on occasion in fall or spring.
Invasive Plant Removal: cut down and collect Common Buckthorn. Time commitment: on occasion, usually in the fall.
Building Crew: construct or repair boardwalks and picnic tables. Time commitment: on occasion.
Special Events: greet visitors and share information about the work of the Friends at community or park events. Time commitment: 3 hour shift on an occasional weekend.
Raffle Ticket Sales: sell raffle tickets to the public in the park or the community. Time commitment: 3 hour shift, on occasion.

Seasonal Commitment
Barbecue Committee: prepare and serve lunch in the park. Time commitment: Saturdays in July and August.
Lighthouse Gift Shop: assist with stocking and sales. Time commitment: 3 hour shift on weekend, minimum 2 weekends a month in June, July, and August.
Trail Monitor: walk a trail to monitor conditions and perform minor maintenance tasks. Time commitment: weekly in the spring, summer, and fall.

Long Term Commitment
Committee Member. Time commitment: long-term, occasional meetings, planning tasks.
Board of Directors. Time commitment: 3 hour meeting once a month, 3 year term.
Are you interested in the Treasurer volunteer position? Click YES and let us know more about you in the comments.

Are you a student looking for volunteer hours?

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