School Group Programs

The Friends of Presqu'ile Park no longer offer school group programming, however, Ontario Parks staff are available to offer school programs in the spring and fall.

If you are interested in a staff-led program, please message park staff by clicking here.

You are also welcome to visit Presqu'ile on your own.  Check out the Self Use Resources page for activities.

Our virtual field trips for Grades K,1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 are available here.

Program Topics

Park staff can customize a program for your class or you can choose from this list of curriculum-based topics:

Grade Program Title

Program Description

Kindergarten Caring for Our Environment

Students will identify how they can help plants and animals in the marsh. Pond study or scavenger hunt included.

Grade 1 Characteristics of Living Things

Students will recognize the features of living things and how their habitat meets their needs.  Pond study or scavenger hunt included.

Grade 2 Growth and Changes in Animals

By examining different features of a habitat and specific animal needs, this program will focus on the way humans affect the environment and benefit from an animal’s existence.  Pond study or scavenger hunt included.

Grade 3 Growth and Changes in Plants

Focusing on the many types of plants in a habitat, students will recognize the value of plant life as it provides not only food but shelter, nurseries, protection and clean water for animals.  Pond study or scavenger hunt included.

Grade 4 Habitats and Communities

Students will evaluate the connections between various species in a habitat and identify what makes a habitat healthy.  Involves small group work.  Pond study or scavenger hunt included.

Grade 6 Biodiversity

Living things each have distinctive needs in order to survive.  Students will explore what happens when these needs are no longer met and how this occurs. Pond study or scavenger hunt included.

Grade 7

Interactions in the Environment

In small groups, students will determine what a specific species requires for survival and how it is affected by other species, including humans.  Pond study or scavenger hunt included.


Custom Programs

Home educators, Girl Guides, Scouts and other youth groups are welcome!  If you would like a program designed to your specific needs, or on an evening or weekend date, please contact Park Staff via email

Programs are able to be tailored to include different topics and information in order to accommodate your unit and lesson planning. 


Program Cost

While there is no charge for the educational program itself, vehicles entering Presqu'ile will pay the park admission fee.  Buses dropping off classes will still be required to pay admission.  Current rates are $62.50 per school bus.  Two parent vehicles may enter at no cost to accompany the bus.

Groups are responsible for providing their own transportation to, within, and from Presqu'ile Provincial Park. 



Payment for entry to the park is collected upon arrival at the Main Gate.  Cash, debit, cheques and credit cards are accepted at the gate. Cheques should be made payable to "Minister of Finance."


How to Book a Program

1) Familiarize yourself with the programs offered by reading the information above. 

2)  Consider your desired program type, topic and location.

3)  Consideration for fall visits:  Please be aware that that waterfowl hunting occurs in isolated areas in the park between September 26 and December 15 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.  Most hunting takes place at dawn and dusk and there is little activity mid day.  The park is open and safe to use on these days but some groups prefer to visit on a Tuesday or Thursday.

4)  To reserve a date: 

  • contact park staff by email

6) Wait for an email to confirm your booking.

7) Book your bus and arrange permissions.  Please note that we are a "High Care Excursion" site for HPEDSB, so you will need superintendent approval for your trip. If you need proof of insurance, please email your park staff contact or call the park and speak to the Chief Park Naturalist.

8) Arrange how you will pay for the park admission fee - payable on arrival by cash, debit, credit card or cheque.  Cheques should be made payable to "MInister of Finance."

Helpful Resources to Download:

Trip Preparation Information - park rules, what to bring, washrooms, lunch facilities

Safety Information - water, ticks, poison ivy, fall waterfowl hunting

Free Time Activity Suggestions

Park Trail Map

Park Trail Descriptions

Jobes' Woods Trail Guide

Owen Point Trail Guide

Fossil Identification Handout

Activity Page:  Fossils

Activity Page:  History